Here you will find Brian Hunt and his ongoing rants, tirades, and sensless babble. Definitely worth a look around.
Published on September 24, 2004 By anotherastronaut In Welcome
Well, you've obviously seen the title, so i believe that any and all responsibility for actions one takes from this point on are in by no means able to in any way pushed upon me as far as liability goes... jesus! how was that for a run on sentence?!?!?!?

so, tonight, whatever the date is, is the date in which this whole mess, or whatever you'd like to call it, has been born into this world. what world am i refering to? fuck if i know. i suppose that would all depend on just how metaphysical you feel like getting this evening. Or perhaps, just how "under the influence" i feel like becoming..
either way, Sit back, you tired souls. have no fear in what I', about to say. After all, you're in good hands now. Sit amongst each other and be alert. It's due time for this all to begin. you'll leave here fulfilled, over-joyed, and new. So sit back and hold on cause its time this sermon began...



brian t hunt

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